October 2020

This was a facebook post of mine which got some play, so I decided to add it to my blog for a (slightly) wider audience.

As our country continues to devolve into chaos, with a President that blatantly supports white supremacists and is now infected with the virus he said was no big deal, I am grateful that Biden is the Democratic challenger. He wasn’t my first choice, my second or even my third, but now I believe we really need his calm and compassionate presence. The man understands pain and loss because he has experienced it and it has lead him be very empathetic. He also knows he is not perfect and I loved that he defended his son when 45 lobbed the low blow of that son’s drug addiction history. I love and am proud of my son, he said. I want a President who tells the truth, who listens, cares, and is willing to change when he finds he has been wrong. The job is big enough that any decent person would be humbled by the responsibility. All of our previous leaders felt that weight and tried to carry it the best way they could. Not so the current incumbent. So what if Biden stumbles over his words sometimes? So what if he has made some mistakes? He acknowledges them and his heart is in the right place. And Harris is simply brilliant. Together they are just what we need to recover from the train wreck this administration caused. #gottahavehope

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  1. Daily Bread #130 | Sermons, Poetry, and Other Musings - October 4, 2020

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