Daily Bread #42


Our mantra last night was “it is a privilege to be able to exercise” because not every “body” can.  We do what we can in this life, and it isn’t always easy.  Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t work out very well.

I have been taking advantage of that privilege lately, although the above statistics show stairs I did not climb.  It is apparently a glitch in the FitBit programming on the model I have.  The steps and active minutes are accurate though.  I will walk even more after I get my knees done, but for now it all feels pretty good.

I seem to be on a very positive roll these days, as I racked up another health improvement this week when my doctor reduced the dosage on some more of my medications.  One was for blood pressure.  I also learned from her that a heart medication I am taking slows my heart rate.  I will have to keep that in mind as I exercise.

I also decided I needed to get some sweat bands for my head.  The old bandana I have been using gets soaked too quickly. Who knew I would ever need something like sweat bands?  I am also watching my daily calorie burn and balancing it with my intake.  This is science!  I have always loved both data and science.  No “fake news” for me.  Knowledge and facts feed my brain and are helping me feed my body in much healthier ways.

This week I went from “Obese Category III” down to Category II.  It is not about the numbers I know, but so far my numbers are correlating well with the health improvements I am having.  Let’s call it “progression analysis.” (That’s a math joke.)


(My stats for the last week – down 3 pounds, drank over 8 gallons of water and exercised for over 595 minutes.  My cumulative weight loss so far is 82.7  pounds.)


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