Weekly Bread #207

Who knew that trees could dance? This one seems to be doing it. Or maybe it is taking a bow after an amazing performance. It reminds me of one of my favorite hymns, “Let it be a Dance.”

Video: Ric Masten Let it be a Dance

Let it be a dance we do.
May I have this dance with you?
Through the good times and the bad times, too,
let it be a dance.

Let a dancing song be heard.
Play the music, say the words,
and fill the sky with sailing birds.
Let it be a dance.
Let it be a dance. Let it be a dance.
Learn to follow, learn to lead,
feel the rhythm, fill the need
to reap the harvest, plant the seed.
Let it be a dance.


Everybody turn and spin,
let your body learn to bend,
and, like a willow with the wind,
let it be a dance.
Let it be a dance. Let it be a dance.
A child is born, the old must die;
a time for joy, a time to cry.
Take it as it passes by.
Let it be a dance.


Morning star comes out at night,
without the dark there is no light.
If nothing’s wrong, then nothing’s right.
Let it be a dance.
Let it be a dance. Let it be a dance.
Let the sun shine, let it rain;
share the laughter, bear the pain,
and round and round we go again.
Let it be a dance.

I love those words and especially the music that goes with them. It is upbeat and joyful, dance music for sure. Together the words and music capture some good advice on how we can live our lives.

Like those willows, we were born to bend. Even the mighty oaks must bend with the wind. All we can do is try and dance to the tune the world is playing for us. All we can do is listen and respond as best we are able. Try to keep dancing, to reach out to someone else who is swirling by. They won’t be here long, so catch them as they pass by, if only for a moment. And when the song is done, maybe take a bow.

Funny about how we see things and how what we see is more of a reflection of who we are in that moment than a result of anything like an objective reality. When I saw the tree and took the picture, I thought it looked like it was dancing. I was a hike in the sunshine with friends. But the tree could also be praying, or grieving or even just shuffling along bent beneath all the suffering in the world. It is all there, I think, all the time: joy and pain, hope and despair, blessing and curse. I just want to keep moving, dancing and weeping, laughing and screaming, getting glimpses of the sunshine, and paying homage to the trees.

And the weight management dance continues on pace. The trajectory is continues down – and without any significant deprivation – so I am fairly pleased with myself this week anyway.


Average weight this week was down .9 pounds for a total loss of 147.2

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  1. Weekly Bread #208 | Sermons, Poetry, and Other Musings - February 5, 2023

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