Weekly Bread #143

It has finally started to rain here in California! A big storm too, an atmospheric river they call it. and it sounds and looks just like one. Hopefully it will put a dent in the drought, and will doubtless bring an end to fire season, at least for this year. Because of the rain and also an online conference I attended, we did not get much hiking in this week. We just did one quick 6 miler on a trail close to home. It wasn’t a week to get too far away from the car.

Since I couldn’t hike much, I spend about an hour and a half on my stationary bike each day, something one can do while being in a zoom conference. I kept my video mostly off except for during the break-out groups. No one needs to see me sweating.

Despite using the bike quite religiously, my weight went up again this week. Slightly, it is true, but this makes 3 weeks in a row of gains. Not a good pattern. I am struggling with the “afternoon munchies” especially when I am not out hiking. I have a sensible lunch, but then really want more – another piece of fruit, some chips, a cookie, a few slices of salami. It feels like hunger, but I think it is more about craving different tastes, mixed in with some boredom. I am not easily bored, so if I am aware of it it must be real. Although I have done a few social things lately, including attending church (everyone masked and almost all vaccinated), I am not really comfortable being around groups, or sometimes even just a couple of other people. I do love it when I see people in person. I love the hugs we risk giving each other. And I find I need a few days to recover afterwards. It has been a hard year, with both fear and isolation. Crawling from the cave, rolling away those heavy stones takes work. Resurrection is never easy.

My bones can ache

Morning and night

And sometimes in between

But I haven’t suffered a break

Not yet anyway

Small gratitudes

Knowing it could be worse

And likely will be

Aging takes some courage

But is much more fun

Than the other option.


My average weight this week is up .5 pounds for a total loss of 169.1

4 responses to “Weekly Bread #143”

  1. Janice M. says :

    I love reading your sermons and poetry!
    I am curious though if you include any shakes or bars in your daily diet still? I did so poorly during pandemic I am starting round 2 of MWM.
    I am very motivated though and reading your email helps! Wish me luck. 🙂

    • revtheresanovak says :

      Thanks, Janice, glad my blog is helping. Writing it definitely helps me. The pandemic has been hard on everyone. I did great on my weight through most of it, and then got overconfident. As far as the shakes and bars go, I stopped using any Optifast products shortly after transitioning to food. I do keep either a Kind or a Pure Protein bar in my purse for times I might be caught out and hungry. I also take them on hikes. They give me an energy boost when I need one. I stopped the Optifast products because I think Nestle is an evil company, putting profit way over people and they have more weird chemicals than the Kind bars or even the Pure protein. I get plenty of vitamins from regular food and a multi I take most days.

      • Janice M. says :

        I do the same, always have a bar on hand for “emergency” . I have used pure protein bars and premier protein shakes occasionally for the past 2 years. I don’t think the bars are a nutritious as the MWM bars though. Thanks for the reply! 🙂

  2. revtheresanovak says :

    I think you are right about that. If you are a product only regimen, Optifast is probably the best way to go.

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