Daily Bread #128

We had Martian skies this week and air quality that mandated staying indoors. To stay sane, I have been compulsively riding my stationary bike in order to “close the rings” on my Apple watch. I am closing the rings my sanity seems less assured. I survived the pandemic stay in place orders by getting out every day for long walks or hikes. Nature renews my spirit like nothing else. The hummers that come to our feeder help, but I worry about their small lungs and rapid heartbeats in this toxic air.

A so-so poem about this time or orange light:

Day Without Dawn

They say in the far north

The sun shines all day and night.

In summer anyway

In winter a dusky gray is the best one gets.

It’s only fall here

But the sky glows orange

Ash falling through the fog.

I am glad for the fog

Which may damp down the fires

As it cleans the air 

Making breathing possible

Weird though to not see the sun

And to look at the world

In a different light. 

I yearn for nightfall

So I won’t keep looking for the sun

Yellow against a blue sky

And I can imagine 

It is just a normal fog

That hides the moon and stars.

And it seems I have now broken my streak of staying at exactly the same average weight each week. Interesting I guess, but it is hard to care about that very much. Prayers for all who are facing so much more than I am. I have shelter, so far unthreatened by fire, two air purifiers, and a furnace fan that cleans my indoor air to a breathable level.

L’Chaim!  Week 19 of “maintenance”: My average weight this week is down 1.3 pounds for a total loss of 182.5

One response to “Daily Bread #128”

  1. Barbara Child says :

    Theresa, I am grateful for every word from you.  All of you west coast beloveds are constantly on my mind.  May there be respite from all this.  And may you stay safe and well. Barbara

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