Daily Bread #66 (Back Home)


We got back home and I realized I actually live in a place where people pay big bucks to go on vacation.  I did so much walking while we were gone, I thought I would try it here.  I have a new routine now I think.  I walk for 45-80 minutes mid-morning before it gets hot and try to do it again after dinner.  You can’t beat the views from my neighborhood and the flowers are all in bloom.


It is very hilly here and although the downhills slow me down some because I am afraid of falling if my knee gives out.  I am getting to be an expert with my cane, but will be really glad when I no longer need it. Uphills are much easier, and I don’t have to stop to catch my breath or rest like I did before.


Standing without moving is still hard, though.  I went to a local protest against the current administration’s draconian immigration policies.  I did the short march around a block in downtown Novato and could have done more walking, but I was glad that I found a place to sit to listen to the speakers.






I was back at the group last night for the first time in a month and had my official weigh in.  I lost 9.6 pounds during the month I was on vacation.  I am slowly getting used to my new body, but at least I seem to be on track with the lifestyle change.  I want to lose another 12 pounds or so before my knee surgery and right now, that seems like a fairly easy goal.

L’Chaim!  This week’s stats: I am still not getting my gallon of water in most days, my bladder needs time to adjust back up to that volume.  My Fitbit report shows 109,110 steps last week for over 46 miles – up from last week.  I ate approximately 11,000 calories and burned 18,693. I am down another pound for a total loss of 129.2.

2 responses to “Daily Bread #66 (Back Home)”

  1. rebel1955Julie Prentice says :

    Theresa, just wanted to let you know I have found your journey very inspiring! I am working at losing weight, eating healthy and using FitBit and food tracker to help keep me in the right direction. While walking for exercise is physically limited, planning on getting a pool membership to do exercise in the water. Kudos to you!!

    • revtheresanovak says :

      And Kudos to you too! Pool work is good, although walking has gotten easier for me with the weight loss, too much is really no good and I worry about falling. Are you coming back for a visit anytime soon?

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