Weekly Bread # 277

I took it easy this week, letting my body recover from last week’s dehydration and trauma. But Friday was cool and we went on a hike 6.5 mile hike. I drank over a liter of water, noticing how I needed to pay attention if I was going to stay hydrated. The trail was beautiful with ocean views and lots of wildflowers, and we also saw some baby elk. The are called calves per google although I think of them as fawns. Elk are kind of like big deer, right? Anyway they were super cute. I am definitely into babies just now.

It felt good to hike, but it is so easy to get out of shape. It wasn’t a long hike and not a particularly difficult one, but I was really tired afterward and my muscles were sore. Hiking is harder exercise than swimming or the stationary bike because it is weight bearing and uses different muscles in a lot of different ways. I always use hiking poles so my arms and shoulders get a workout too, not to mention the weight of the extra water I carried. Actually the water weight helped me as an incentive to drink, knowing my pack would get lighter with every sip.

Funny how that worked. If I hike again on a warm day, maybe I will carry 2 liters not just 1.5.

BTW. Those 2 little elk were closely watched over by two elk moms. Or maybe they were grandma elk?


My average weight this week was down .4 pounds, for a total loss of 135.1.

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