Weekly Bread #250


The classic Thanksgiving turkey pic was taken again this year. It was a somewhat smaller turkey than last year, but I am a little bigger now even though I am wearing the same shirt pants and slippers. Only one oven mitt though.

sometime between 2014-2017, judging by the kitchen

In the older picture, both the turkey and I were both significantly larger. We needed a bigger platter and I needed much larger clothes. It is easier cooking a smaller turkey. It is easier being a smaller size. Being older is not quite as much fun. I might have trouble holding up a 20 pound turkey these days. If I cook a huge one again, we will have to take the photo while is is resting on the counter.

I have much to be thankful for. And I know that the leftovers can have a larger impact on one’s life than one would think. That is true for trauma even more than it is for gravy and stuffing.

May all experience less trauma and horror in both the days and the nights of their lives. It is a hope, a prayer, even if it isn’t an expectation.


Average weight this week was up 1.7 pounds for a total loss of 140.4

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