Weekly Bread #236

Sometimes it is hard to get above the tree line, to a place where the horizon opens up. If the fog has lifted and the air is relatively clear, one can sometimes see for miles. Most of life seems like is merely wandering under a canopy that blocks the sky. We watch where we put our feet, careful to follow a path that we believe is the correct one. You can’t know for sure, however, until you find a way to get above the trees, away from the every day concerns, and then maybe you can see what the hawks see as they soar above it all.

Part of why I love to hike is that it often reconnect with what it means to be alive, with my body working hard and with my mind and spirit both engaged. The grand views are wonderful of course, but it is also the noticing of the small things that feeds me. A leaf spins suspended from a spider’s web. A tiny waterfall cascades down a fern-covered rock. There is magic in the air. Everywhere. Breathe it in.


Average weight this week was up .9 pounds for a total loss of 143.5.

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