Weekly Bread #219

So wildflowers distracted me last week, but I am back into trees. I love how this one looks. It was charred in the fire a couple of years ago, but it kept standing as new growth surrounded it. Weakened as it was, it broke apart recently after heavy rain and wind, one of those “atmospheric rivers” that blew through.

But isn’t it gorgeous? I love the contrasting colors, the orange heart of the tree exposed against the black and the green, with the blue sky above, only a smattering of clouds can be seen.

We did one of our more strenuous loop hikes this week, 7.5 miles and almost 1400 elevation. My post-covid recovery seems complete, but I am a little slower than I was, and more tired at the end of a long hard trail. Maybe it is still part of the Covid aftermath, but it could also just be the stealthy onset of more aging. No matter, we still made it up to Sky trail and back down. It has never been a race for me.

The Paul Simon line, which I thinks goes something like: “we are bouncing into Graceland,”says it for me in so many ways.


Average weight this week was up ,6 pounds for a total loss of 146.1.

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