Weekly Bread #214

Well, five days wasn’t enough. I am now at day 10 of covid and still testing positive. According to the guidelines, I could stop quarantining, but it doesn’t seem safe to really be around other people yet, even if I am wearing a good mask. I think I will wait until I get at least one negative test. This virus is ugly enough that I really don’t want anyone else to get it. My symptoms weren’t what I would call “mild” although they met the definition. I could breathe just fine despite the aching head and whole body really. The sore throat woke me up at night and the coughing fits really haven’t been fun at all. I’d hate to think what would have happened if I wasn’t completely boosted and if I hadn’t gotten the prescription for paxlovid. The med left a nasty taste in my mouth, but I think it helped. Never lost my sense of smell. My symptoms are all getting better, but they are a little bouncy. Better one day, then worse, but the overall trend line is a good one at least.

I hate being sick. It has been a long time. I didn’t even have a cold for 3 years, and covid is a lot worse than a cold.

I also haven’t been on a hike for 10 days, and I missed a minister’s retreat I was really looking forward to attending.

It’s been depressing being at home and not feeling well. Whine. I have situational depression, clearly, a negative attitude about being positive for Covid.

And I also know I am lucky – especially lucky to have waited this long to catch it. Now there are vaccines and treatments that do work. It still isn’t anything to sneeze at, (although it makes me sneeze) but it isn’t as deadly as it could have been. I hope to be back on the trails soon and that the only thing positive will be my attitude.

In the past, I probably would have comforted myself by overeating. Somehow that didn’t happen and I actually lost weight this week. Maybe my sick body burned a few extra calories? Maybe my appetite was down because I didn’t feel good? I did continue to log and I was careful not to overdo it, knowing that I wasn’t getting much exercise, but a small increase would have been more expected. 2.8 pounds is rather a lot to lose in a week.


Average weight this week was down 2.8 pounds for a total loss of 148.8.

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