Weekly Bread #167

It rained Friday night. We needed it. And the sun came out on Saturday morning and welcomed me with a rainbow. A fitting image for both Passover and Easter I think. Liberation doesn’t come easy nor does resurrection. But the awe a rainbow inspires can bring us hope of both. I believe liberation is possible but that resurrection is purely metaphorical. Maybe liberation is only metaphorical as well. Or partial rather than total.

We do what we can and we dream of a better next year. Maybe we will find that metaphorical Jerusalem that we are all yearn to enter.

We did a 15 mile hike this week. 1900 elevation. It almost completely wore me out and we barely got back to the car before dark. But we were able to stand before this amazing waterfall.

Alamere Falls

We had to check the tides before we went as there is a mile long walk along the beach to finally reach the waterfall. At high tide, the waves sometimes reach right up to the cliffs and hikers who don’t check the tides risk getting trapped. Amazing sight though. The rush of the waterfall was louder than the waves crashing on the shoreline behind us.

15 miles! I remember all too well when walking a couple of blocks would wear me out and I would have to stop and rest. Being exhausted only after 15 miles feels like a miracle. ‘Tis the season for miracles I guess. We need all the miracles we can get, metaphorical or otherwise.

What I didn’t need this week was “Miracle -Gro.” Did that all on my own, maybe with the help of some hot cross buns and two dinners out. No chocolate rabbits for me, I promise.


My average weight this week is up 2.3 pounds for a total loss of 158.8.

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