Weekly Bread # 148

We did a really hard hike this week. The “Old Quarry Trail” on Mount Burdell. It was beautiful, but there was about a quarter of a mile that was close to impossible for me. It was steep and rocky, lots of the rocks were loose and climbing required some really large steps on unstable ground. I had my hiking poles, but still lost my nerve and finally started using my hands to hold onto the rocks and did the last bit on my hands and knees. The first pic is when I just turned and sat on the trail to rest. A few minutes later Anne got the second pic. I am enjoying the view and realizing that as hard as it was and despite the fact that I had to crawl, I made it. I don’t think I’ll try that trail again, but am proud that I did it once. I have found, however, that trails that seemed really hard a year ago are much easier now. So who knows?

I do know there will always be new challenges to face, and although I may get through some of them relatively unscathed, there will be others where it will be more than just extra dirt on my hiking clothes.

Sometimes I will take a trail anyway, even when I know I probably shouldn’t. I had two large meals last week, one in a restaurant with all of our kids, and of course Thanksgiving. I remember my first Thanksgiving after starting my weight loss journey. I weighed and measured everything and even lost a bit that day. Not so this week, but sometimes it feels worth it to not pay so much attention to calories. You have to sit and enjoy the view sometimes, or at least I do, AND if I start to worry about doing that, I need to remember that although I have gained some back, I am still WAY below where I started. The trick will be holding the line after this holiday so I will be able to enjoy Christmas. Ya gotta get up the mountain anyway you can.


My average weight this week is up 2.7 pounds for a total loss of 165.5.

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